Wednesday, 20 June 2018

How do we get the most out of ourselves; out of the tools we have?

It's in the sweet spot between excitement/ arousal in the one hand, and anxiety and concern in the other. Holding on to that sweet spot is a skill; it must be learned.  Out there on court, in the heat of the battle, you're alone.  You will learn or you won't.  You are responsible in that place.  But that's only one place we gain resilience.  For every hour in battle there will be 10-20 hours of practice and rest. here, you are not alone.  If I do my job correctly, as your parent or your coach, I will help you to maintain a healthy perspective.  I will help you to keep a positive emotional bank account.  You won't be under water before the match has begun.  Nervous and eager not anxious and worried.  Excited by the possibility of success and not afraid of failure.

facebook post - how do we get the most out of ourselves with link to article

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