Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Talent ID is a sham

Talent ID programs are an example of weak underlying philosophy and a poor grasp of meaning. The article below outlines three basic errors in talent identification: non-specificity or drawing too long a bow, incomplete perspectives when interpreting outcomes, and the under-weighting of character. These are all real pitfalls and, yet, they're also not the reason talent ID fails. We can't be confident let alone certain whether a young person will achieve greatness for precisely the same reason we cannot know who will win this years championship: too many variables. Indeed, uncertainty is the biggest reason we follow sport.
The only philosophically sound means of determining who should have access to higher opportunities are sports results. That's precisely what sport is and how it works: winner moves on. That does not mean we should not withdraw opportunities when it is determined a young sports person is not meeting inclusion criteria, such as attendance and work ethic parameters, socially acceptable behaviour and attitudes, and objective physical fitness and health criteria.
As an aside, the NFL combine is not a talent ID program for the NFL. It's an exercise in finding marketable traits. The only true talent ID process for the NFL is the NFL, and even that's an unreliable predictor of success.


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